Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reflecting on Wellness

When I look at all aspects of my health, looking at spiritual, psychological and physical I can rate these pretty easily. From a psychological standpoint I would give myself a 7. From a spiritual aspect I would give myself a 8 and finally from a physical standpoint I would give myself a 9. Physical exercise has always been my coping mechanism, therefore, it is my strongest rating.

Psychologically I would like to be stronger. I would like to be able to maintain a normal level of mental health without too many fluctuations of my mind. I think by meditating at least 15 minutes a day I could find more stability psychologically.

Increasing my meditation time will help me obtain my goals. Also, by just being more aware and thankful for all the friends and loved ones I have in my life helps me work towards more balance in my psychological state.

The Crime of the Century exercise was very interesting. I did not enjoy it as much as the previous exercise we did. I did find myself a bit more relaxed after the exercise, but again, not as much as I did with the previous exercise.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Journey On Relaxation

The stressors in my life have necessitated my finding ways to relax. Yoga has always been a wonderful way for me to relax, however, lately my practice has suffered because of my business venture. Since I have begun the process of opening my own yoga studio I have found my stress levels through the roof, even to the point of getting sick.

This relaxation exercise was very good. It brought awareness to my circulation which was helpful. I actually felt my limbs warming with this meditation. I feel like it lower my blood pressure and certainly helped calm my currently restless mind.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Well, here I am. I am set up and ready to blog away. School has been challenging with all I have going on in my life right now, but I have committed to it, so I am bound to finish this journey.