Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Unit 4 exercises

After listening to the tracks and having a previous concept of "loving kindness". I found this a very good exercise for me. I have practiced yoga for over 7 years now and practicing loving kindness is something we try to incorporate into our practice. When we practice loving kindness towards ourself then we can practice it towards others. It is not easy. It takes awareness of every action and thoughtfulness. I still tend to be harder on myself than I should be.

My dad is a good example of someone who needs a mental workout. He is 78 years old and is in excellent physical health, however, his cognition has begun to deteriorate over the past few years. He does not participate in any social activities that require him to be verbal. He does not read or do crossword puzzles. Our mentation needs to be exercised just as much as our body does.

1 comment:

  1. I too participate in a yoga program. I would have found this exercise to be much more positive with a smooth tranquil tune in the background rather then the loud song that was played on this CD. There are tons of ways to find the peace that we all need, knowing what works for you is key. Hope you can implement something to get your father connected. Good Luck.
